#113 The Fascinating Short Stories

 #113. The Fascinating Short Stories


The second book, authored by Students of International Class Program Madrasah Mu'allimaat, is a collection of writings that are important to be documented and read by the wider community. This is due to the lack of literature and references, especially short stories written by female students, that use English. It is a source of pride for us as educators and education personnel. Despite the busy schedule of our students in studying and completing routine assignments, they still manage time to express their ideas or stories in the form of innovative and inspiring writing. We hope that this effort will help expand the culture of literacy in madrasas, igniting a passion that reaches every individual within the madrasah and motivating all parties, including students, educators, and education staff, to collaborate. This collaboration will foster a community of literate individuals who consistently share inspirational and innovative ideas and stories.


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